Division of Biology and Health Sciences
Mark L. Wygoda, Head
Workforce: Beasley, Bradley, Bushnell,Cormier, Dees, Hidalgo, Hinton, J. Hoffman, T. Hoffman, Hutton, Jackson, Jessup, Meyer, Struchtemeyer
The motivation behind the Department of Biology and Health Sciences parallels the College's reasons of Science and the University. The office's reasons are reflected in the accompanying: (1) get ready understudies for cutting edge study in graduate or expert schools, (2) giving graduates with abilities required to work in the order of their decision, (3) propelling learning through experimental examination, (4) serving the group in matters identifying with natural concerns, (5) serving investigative orders through expert exercises, and (6) giving the instructional administration to understudies in different ranges of study inside of the University.
Educational module
The Department of Biology and Health Sciences offers four-year projects prompting a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Science, Clinical Laboratory Science, and Radiologic Sciences.
The educational module and projects inside of the office are recorded beneath:
Natural Science. This system furnishes people with a fundamental establishment in the natural sciences. The culmination of this educational programs gives the understudy the foundation to show science at the auxiliary level or to enter graduate or expert schools.
Radiologic Sciences. The educational programs is intended to get ready understudies to end up skillful radiographers. The system is authorize by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology. Endless supply of the project, the understudy is qualified for a Bachelor of Science degree in Radiologic Sciences and is qualified to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists national confirmation examination to wind up a guaranteed radiographer.
The Department of Biology and Health Sciences offers a minor in Biology.
Essential Courses for Certain Professional Programs
Understudies may take courses at McNeese State University keeping in mind the end goal to be qualified for the clinical period of certain partner or baccalaureate expert projects not subsidiary with the college. Every expert school has control of its confirmation systems and arrangements, and admission to clinical preparing is on an aggressive premise. McNeese State University, subsequently, has no part in or control over the determination and confirmation of understudies in these expert school.
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