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Saturday, 12 December 2015


Physical Science 

Welcome to the physical science program at Chemeketa Community College. Physical science comprises of move degrees in - 

  • science 
  • general science 
  • geography 
  • material science 

We serve understudies who major in science, building, nursing, pre-drug store, and numerous different fields. In the event that you are keen on a physical science significant or vocation, please take a gander at our data on professions in physical science and contact an employee. 

Our project keeps on improving to meet the differing needs of our understudies - 

  • We offer option conveyance routines including online classes 
  • We offer eye to eye classes in physical science at both Yamhill Valley and Salem grounds 
  • We endeavor to assemble scaffolds to both secondary schools and four year organizations. Our support in these endeavors incorporates C.S.I. Chemeketa Style and Career Camps 
  • We open entryways through the Women in Science Scholarship 
  • We earned a National Science Foundation stipend to grow minimal effort online material science labs taking into account physical science instruction research.

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