Geography Course Descriptions
GEG100 Exploring Geography
Presents the control and instruments of geology, incorporating professions in topography, what geographers concentrate, how they think, and how learning of geology is useful in any vocation field. Likewise inspects essential geographic ideas and subjects. F, W, Sp, Su
1 Credits
GEG105 Physical Geography
Concentrates on the physical subsystems of the earth (climate, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere), with accentuation on human-environment relations. Incorporates essential guide aptitudes, scope/longitude, climate, atmosphere, biogeography, volcanism, disintegration, and desert scenes. F, W, Sp
4 Credits
GEG106 Cultural Geography
Presents the social components of geology, including the investigation of human populace, movement, dialect, religion, social scenes, and geopolitics. Underscores the unequal circulation of force in the U.S. as to religion, ethnicity, and dialect. F, W, Sp; CL
4 Credits
Presents monetary parts of social topography around the world, including the investigation of improvement, farming, industry, administrations, settlement, urban scenes, and characteristic asset issues. Uncommon accentuation is put on the unequal dissemination of force in the U.S. with respect to occupation, salary, settlement designs, urban area utilization, and normal asset administration. W, Sp; CL
GEG140 Map Reading & Interpretation
Presents essential ideas in perusing, deciphering, and examining different social, social, and physical data from an assortment of maps. Themes incorporate guide projections, guide abuse, promulgation maps, framework frameworks, guide scale, course arranging, Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information System (GIS), form perusing, satellite symbolism, and PC based mapping. Offered as required
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