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Providence College (Providence, RI) - Pre-Health Professions Certificate

Pre-Health Professions Certificate
The School of Continuing Education Pre-Health Professions Certificate is intended for school graduates who wish to get ready for graduate study in a medicinal services calling, yet who did not take the required coursework as a major aspect of their undergrad program.
The project gives the vast majority of the essential science and math courses for admission to schools in medication, dentistry, veterinary pharmaceutical, optometry, doctor right hand, exercise based recuperation, and other united wellbeing callings.
This project is not intended for understudies who moved on from a pre-wellbeing studies undergrad program who try to rehash pre-imperative courses keeping in mind the end goal to enhance their scholastic records. Affirmations guidelines require an undergrad combined evaluation point normal of no less than 3.0.
Prerequisites for the authentication program
The authentication requires at least twenty-four hours of credit, with six hours of conceivable exchange credit. The particular project of study would be dictated by the understudy's proficient objectives and the prerequisites of the expected program.The courses incorporated into the Pre-Health Professions Certificate are:
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