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Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN - Electrical Engineering

DEGREES OFFERED: Expert of Science, Doctor of Philosophy PROGRAMS in electrical designing are offered in the regions of simple and advanced circuits, PC building, shrewd frameworks, strong state gadgets, flag and picture handling and examination, apply autonomy, microelectronics, photonics, nanotechnology, and related ranges in biomedical designing. The Master of Science degree system requires 24 credit hours, incorporating 18 hours in the significant territory (inside EECE) and 6 hours in a minor range. No less than 12 hours in the significant range must be taken at or over the 300 level. The courses taken must likewise incorporate one of the door courses in each of two of the Graduate School/English 47 taking after ranges: gadgets, PC, and signs and frameworks. Portal courses are graduate-level courses with senior-level essential, the rundown of which is kept up by the DGS. The rest of the course work in the real must be taken at or over the 250 level. The minor will be six hours of graduatelevel course work, ordinarily outside of EECE. A most extreme of 3 hours of free study may be connected to the 18 hours required in the significant zone. The understudy's consultant must affirm all courses. An examination proposition is required. A non-proposition choice is likewise offered, which requires an extra 6 hours of free study constituting one single unit of exploration work.
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